Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Big Ticket Purchases

I hate big ticket purchases that aren't any "fun." This is our most recent big ticket purchase....a new washer and dryer. Big deal. You can't wear them. You can't decorate them. And you can't eat them. They just sit there and make you work. I suppose that it does, in the long run, make work a little easier for me. It is easier to use them then to beat our clothes on a rock, so I guess I should be grateful for them. It's also better then the laundry mat. So...thank you for OUR new washer and dryer, Keith! ;)

Keith and I watched the first load through the clear top...laughing at how crazy we must look! Keith (and the kids) are amused by the music that plays when you open the lid to the washing machine or when you turn either the washer or dryer on OR off. After a couple of loads, the novelty has worn off. Reality is that laundry still isn't fun.

This was our big ticket purchase last fall....shingles. I still don't, nor did I ever, consider that a very fun purchase. Nobody really notices your shingles or compliments you on how they look, like they do with a new pair of shoes!

We do have a big ticket project in the works for this spring.....I'll keep you posted!....

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I should bring you OUR laundry to see if that new thing REALLY works! Maybe OUR laundry will be more fun that yours :)
