One of the fun things in kindergarten are Mystery Readers. There is a sign up sheet at the beginning of the year where you can pick any given Wednesday to come and read. (Although, if another day works better...Mrs. B just makes it work!) On your reading day, you come into the office and tell them what you are there for. You have a seat and wait for Mrs. B to call the office. (It's sort of like waiting in the Green Room, except no snacks!) Mrs. B calls the office and tells the ladies there "We're ready for our Mystery Reader!" While you walk down the hall, she gets them all primed and excited. "Who do you think it is?" "Who do you think knows this person?" When the Mystery Reader walks in the person that knows them stands up and introduces them to the class. It is SO much fun to see their faces when you walk in! There have been Moms, Dads, Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, and Friends.
Well, last Friday, the Mystery Readers were a brother and a daughter! Mrs. B's daughter (Maddie) and Cale are in the same 6th. grade class. Arrangements were made for me to pick up Cale and Maddie and bring them over to the elementary school. I went down with them and peeked in Mrs. B's back door so I could see what the kids thought. When they walked in Mrs. B stood up and Trevor was so shocked that it took him awhile to get up. I couldn't see his face but Cale said that his jaw just dropped. Then, I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He was in such disbelief yet, that he looked at me and gasped "Oh, you, too?!" It was so much fun to be a part of such a great surprise!
Cale and Maddie did a great job of reading to the class, and the class were on their absolute best behavior and listened so well. I couldn't believe how quiet 21 kindergartners could be but I was told that they are always like that when Mystery Readers come in.
Cale and I even stayed and had lunch with Trevor and his friends which is always an adventure in itself! (Maddie ate in the teacher's lounge with her mom.)
Then it was back to the Middle School for Cale and Maddie...and they only missed about 10 minutes of science. (I think they were hoping to miss more then that!)