Thursday, October 27, 2011

Poor Jared.....

Poor Jared. Tuesday night the boys were in the car waiting for Keith and I when we heard crying from the garage. Keith opened the door and Jared was sobbing while holding his nose with 2 very bloody hands. All he could say was that Cale punched him in the nose. Blood was just pouring out of his nose!

I got Jared in the bathroom and started holding his nose with a Kleenex. He was getting a little hysterical with all of the blood. He was getting sweaty and clammy and couldn't quit crying. I finally hollered at him "You are NOT going to die!" He finally calmed down and I had Cale come in with his side of the story.

"I was trying to get him to flinch and he moved his face closer. I didn't mean to! It was an accident!"

Jared confirmed that story, but it didn't make it hurt or bleed any less. It took us nearly a half hour to get the bleeding to stop. In the mean time, Keith was cleaning everything up. There was blood in his car and there was a trail through the garage, through the laundry room and down the hall into the bathroom. There was blood on the toilet and the sink. He had blood on his shirt, his shorts, his sweatshirt and I had it on my pants. This house looked like a murder scene! I told Keith that this wouldn't happen in a house full of GIRLS! He said, no, probably not but someone would've ripped someone else's hair out by now!

He slept good but it started bleeding again when he got up Wednesday morning. Since I don't go into work until noon, and his first period of the day was a study hall, I kept him home just to make sure that the bleeding stopped for good. He has been in good shape all day. I did manage to share the story with some teachers, and the principal when I got to work in the afternoon.

During the last period of the day on Wednesday, Mr. Billings (the Middle School principal) walked into Cale's class holding a rolled up poster. From what I understand from Cale, this is how things went and what Mr. Billings said:

"May I interrupt your class for just a minute? Cale can you come up to the front? (Cale is thinking...wellllll, OK) This is a poster of Albert Pujols that has been hanging in our lunch room. I have always promised Cale that he could have that whenever I took it down. Well, some things that happened last night may have jeopardized that. Cale, tell your friends what happened."

"I hit my brother last night."

"You PUNCHED him in the FACE!"

"I tried to get him to flinch, and he moved his face. It was an ACCIDENT!!"

"I think that I'll give this poster to your brother instead." He started walking to the door, and turned around and said "Just is your poster. And by the way, your Mom told me to do this."

"Of course she did. And it was an accident!!" :)

His class was gasping, giggling and giving him a bad time. Even his teacher was feeling bad for Jared!

I am happy to report that Jared is doing very well and he some how managed to avoid any black eyes. (Not sure how he did that!) I am thinking that in about 15-20 years the boys will talk about this incident...."Remember when....."

I guess that I should expect things like this to happen once in awhile. Afterall.....


1 comment:

  1. Hilarious - that sounds like WAAAY more drama than a house full of girls! :)
