Monday, September 26, 2011


Gilbert's Homecoming was Friday night. There is always a (very!) short parade before the game to show off some of the fall sports teams as well as the Queen, the King and their Court.

This year I mentioned to someone that we have a convertible in our garage if they should need one for the parade. Keith got the call a few weeks ago so he got his car all cleaned and shined. His car is a 1990 I-ROC with red leather interior. It really doesn't see the light of day too often. He will take the kids for rides once in awhile, but not very often. Their favorite thing is when Keith either gives them a ride to school or picks them up from school with it. Last year, Keith took Cale and Garret to basketball practice in it. The highlight is ALWAYS making sure their friends see them!

We had told Trevor that he could ride in the parade with Keith, but Keith ended up calling me to come and pick Trevor up because the guys in the court were going to be riding in the front seat of the car, so there was no room for Trevor. When I picked him up he said "Apparently, I got kicked out." Poor thing, he was looking forward to it and had told his friends to watch for him!

Keith carried Lauren Mosiman and Mason Powers.

Keith also had to drive Lauren around the track at halftime. Since the guys were not riding, there was room for Trevor to ride along. Unfortunately, Trevor was on the other side and was so hard to see. My picture turned out way too dark, but he's there. (Yet ANOTHER reason to get a new camera!) Everyone knew to look for him and Cale, Jared and their friends were yelling at him. He thought he was pretty big stuff!

Lauren had asked Trevor if some day that car would be his and when he said yes, she wanted to know if he would give her a ride. After the game he told me that he thought she liked him. Really....what's not to love! :)

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