Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I know I always say how charming Trevor is, but it really is true. For instance...

Last Friday night, I was trying on a new shirt that, do I say this nicely...showed more of my muffin top then I was comfortable with. I sighed and said "Oh, I just wish I was thin." Trevor looks at me and says "But, Mom! You are thin! You mean you wish you were thinner!" :)

Later in the same night we were flipping through channels on the TV when we ran across the movie Pretty Woman. I love that move, so stopped and watched a little which brought about this conversation:

Jared: What's this movie called?
Me: Pretty Woman
Jared: What's it about?
Me: A pretty woman
Jared: What's her name?
Trevor: Heidi
Me: (:

That Trevor...he sure knows which side his bread is buttered on! Nice charm skills T!

1 comment:

  1. May I please borrow him for a night?!? I could use a little boost in self-esteem :)
