Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Love My School District!

It seems like I'm always saying "And THIS is why I love our school district!" The kids each have about 100ish kids in their class, give or take-which I think is a great size! The teachers are all wonderful, fun, young, energetic and interactive with both the kids and parents. For example, there is a standing joke between Cale's 7th. grade Social Studies teacher and I about her and I doing a routine to a Joan Jett and the Blackhearts song for the end of the year talent show. Just the thought of it drives Cale crazy!

I had an email conversation this week with his Language Arts teacher that is worth repeating:

It started on Wednesday when I was taking Cale to confirmation and we were stopped at a red light, and he made a comment about the next light had already turned green.....

Cale: That light is already green. If we were up there, we could've got gone sooner.
Me: Got gone sooner?!?!
Cale: (laughing) Yeah, I don't really care about grammar.
Me: *gasp* what would Mrs. Herber say?
Cale: I don't know. I dare you to tell her!

Well, I have a hard time letting a dare from a 13 year old go. So, I emailed her that night, but didn't tell Cale that I had. Thursday morning, I got the following email from Mrs. Herber:

Oh, my goodness! Cale, Cale, Cale.

So, I've had the night to think about this, and I've decided to add two SPECIAL questions to Cale's quiz today:

27)Please write the following sentence correctly: "We could've got gone sooner."
28)Why should a person care about grammar? Please use correct grammar answering the question.

He came home from school and I asked him about his LA quiz that day and he said it was fine and then said " should know!" He said he didn't catch on right away, and thought that the "got gone sooner" question was just a coincidence. When he turned his paper in, he asked if the last 2 questions were extra credit and Mrs. Herber just laughed. He was even surprised to hear that HE was the only one to get the extra questions.

Thanks for playing along, Mrs. Herber! I LOVE my school district!

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