I saw a story on TV about the Ronald McDonald House and I decided that night that I had found our summer project. I told them about what great things the Ronald McDonald House does, and how they rely on donations. I suggested that we try and collect donations for the House and then we could deliver them. The boys thought that sounded like a great idea! They were all in!
We even talked about including their friends, Austin and Carter. I talked to their Mom, Lisa, and she said that she was thinking about something for her kids, too. So she thought this was a great idea!
We got together and made fliers and distributed them to our friends, family and neighbors. We even put information in the church bulletin and news letter. We had a great response!! The kids enjoyed seeing the things come in! I even took Cale and Jared to Sam's Club to spend some of the money that people had donated. They had a great time picking things off of the Ronald McDonald House Wish List.
Last Friday, Lisa and I and the 5 boys--ranging in age from 6-12--headed down to Des Moines to deliver our things. We were able to take more then 6 boxes of things and $120 worth of Gift Cards to Target and Hy-Vee. We also had enough money to allow a family to stay at the house for 15 nights.
Way to go boys is right!! I'm proud of them too!