Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy 50th. Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!

50 Years ago today my Mom and Dad got married. I can't remember just how long they dated, but it was longer than people usually did. They were older then most people were when they got married--during those days any way! My parents met on a double, blind date-set up kind of thing. My Mom was teaching school in Latimer, Iowa...a small town in northern Iowa. Her and another girl, Marilyn, lived together, and neither of them had a car. On a Friday, a lady offered them her car to drive to Hampton to a movie, and then told them to stop back at the little cafe she ran in Latimer when they were done to get something to eat. Little did they know that this lady had also told 2 young men to stop by because there would be a couple of "young teachers" coming in. Well, one was my Dad and the other one was a guy named Maynard.

Well, Maynard and Marilyn ended up dating and getting married, and we all know how it turned out with my parents! If you ask those guys how they ended up with who they did, Maynard will tell you that he always wanted to marry a red-head, and Marilyn was a red-head. My Dad will tell you that he got stuck with what was left!

When my parents went and told my Mom's parents that they were getting married, my Grandpa told my Dad that he had not asked for permission. My Dad told him "Well, I thought you would want to get rid of her!" I'm certain that my grandparents wondered what on earth their daughter had gotten into!!

They got engaged in May of 1961. Mom was surprised because Dad had picked out the engagement ring and wedding ring all on his own. And he did a great job! It was gorgeous!Things were so different then because they were able to put a wedding together in about 2 months. Simply unheard of in today's world!! Shortly after their engagement, my Dad's grandpa celebrated his 90th. birthday and my Mom had to help serve. Her engagement ring was a little big, but she was determined to wear it so she tied string around it--like you do with a class ring!

This is my Mom's engagement picture. Back then, only the bride-to-be had their picture taken to announce their engagement. Mom said she had these pictures taken in Mason City and she had trouble getting to her appointment because there was a parade with Robert Preston and Shirley Jones in it. They were there as part of a celebration for the movie "Music Man" which is based in Mason City.

They were married on Saturday August 5, 1961 at 2:30 PM. Their ceremony took place at the United Methodist Church in Maquoketa, Iowa. ("Reception after ceremony in church parlors")

My Mom's sister, Betty (her maid of honor) and her Mom.

My Mom's brother, George, my Dad's brother, Frank and my Dad. (Groomsman and Best Man)

My Grandpa and my of my favorite pictures! I have a similar one with my Dad.

The church was being remodeled, so they had to get married in the fellowship hall. That explains the folding chairs!

The wedding party. Vernon (Dad's brother), Karen (Dad's sister), Betty (Mom's sister), Mom and Dad, Frank (Dad's brother), George (Mom's brother), and Paul (Mom's brother). Flower girl was my Dad's niece, Dawn, and the ring bearer was my Mom's cousin, Howdy.

My Dad's parents on the left and my Mom's parents on the right.

My Dad was apparently on his best behavior!

The decorated car. They had put Limburger cheese on the motor and rumor has it that when it got hot--it stunk!!

Color film was rarely used. Mom said that it was usually bought for special occasions like Christmas. I see that this was considered a special occasion! :)

All ready to go! I love how dressed up they were to get in the car and drive! They went to Wisconsin and put their car on a boat and crossed Lake Michigan and then drove home through Chicago...enjoying the Dells, Buckingham Fountain and a baseball game along the way. Then they headed my Mom said in her wedding book "after the first wonderful week of marriage!"

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad. We couldn't be happier for you and more proud of you! 50 years is quite an accomplishment! We are also very thankful for the many examples that you had given us. Because of you we know all about loving....and being loved.


We are hosting an Open House for them on Sunday the 7th. at their church in Grinnell.

1 comment:

  1. What a riot your dad is :)...and oh my goodness you look like your mother! We dropped them a card in the mail, so hopefully they'll get it on Saturday. Have fun at the celebration ~ they definitely deserve it.
