Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh, Goodness!

Tonight I fixed a new recipe of potatoes and ham in the crock pot. Cale had his band concert tonight, so we were trying to eat in a hurry. Nothing fancy. We just had the potatoes and ham, green beans and some bananas. Jared dug right in. He is the best eater out of all of the boys. He will eat almost anything, and always asks if he can try something new when we are out to eat. He finished his plate except for about 3 bites. He looked at me and said: "Can I be done? I'm not saying it's bad. It's actually quite good. I just can't handle any more goodness." How could I argue with that? He then moved onto some banana bread.....

1 comment:

  1. He can come and eat with me anytime. My family NEVER compliments my cooking. I think it's time to quit that too :)
