Monday, June 13, 2011

End of Jared's Baseball Season

Jared's baseball season is over. His team lost in the first round of the tournament on Thursday night. His team had some definite struggles this year. Young kids that had never played. Some parents that didn't work with their kids, but expected the coaches to make them stars during a 90 minute practice once a week. I am, for the most part, a very quiet Mom when it comes to sporting events. A couple of years ago, a mother told me that she stays quiet because if something good is happening for one team chances are something not so good is happening for the other team. Or a specific player on the other team. I've been on the side where the not so good things are happening to our team, or even to one of my kids. Therefore, I sit pretty still....that other side doesn't feel so good!

Jared started doing some catching this season. He tried it for an inning last year, and it didn't go so well, but this year he really caught onto it. Keith was a catcher all through high school, so he was so pleased to see Jared behind the plate so much this year. He made some good stops, he threw some kids out trying to steal 2nd. base, and he even picked kids off of 1st. AND 3rd. Not only is it exciting to see him throw a ball right on the money, it is equally as exciting to have someone on the other end that can catch it!

The other place that he spent a lot of time was on the pitchers mound. He threw some last year, but was one of the 2 main pitchers this year. At the beginning of the season, I couldn't hardly function when he was pitching because it made me feel sick to my stomach with nerves. By the end of the season I was more comfortable with him on the mound then any of the others....and I felt sick to my stomach if he WASN'T pitching!! He had an excellent command of the game while he was on the mound.

As I do every year, I waited until the last game or two of the season to take any pictures and didn't get any of him batting. I can tell you that he was a much better batter this year then last year. He did end up with several singles, a several doubles and a triple.

My parents make it a point to come to at least one game every year. They came to Jared's last regular season game this year and they got to see him pitch for most of the game, catch a little and go 3 for 3 from the plate. It was a HOT night, but well worth their trip to see him do so well!

His season was over on Thursday night, and on Friday we had a day with no practices and no games. We hardly knew what to do with ourselves! Keith said it was a little like the day after Christmas. Cale and Trevor still have a few weeks left.

I don't think that we could've been any prouder of Jared this year. His skills improved as well as his leadership skills around his team mates. We can hardly wait until next year!!

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