After we left the Bob Feller Museum, we made a stop in Des Moines at the Blank Park Zoo. All summer we heard Trevor reminding us that he is 6 years old and had "never in his WHOLE life been to a zoo!" Are we bad parents, or what? Trevor LOVED it!! Except when Keith tried to get him to take just one tiny step toward the croc.....
And if you remember....Trevor LOVES turtles. The one in the top picture was on a walk...a very slooooooooow walk and just dropped right there in the sun.
This tiger would walk right up to the window and then walk into the other room, and then turn around and do the same thing over and over. Even when it laid down, it got right back up and started pacing again. I couldn't believe how close he was for my picture! (No zoom!)
The ostriches. Cale does a great ostrich imitation, but refused to show them! ;) In fact, he'll be REALLY embarrassed that I even brought it up here!
It was a short, but very warm afternoon at the zoo. At least now Trevor doesn't have that to hold over our heads!
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