Friday, June 11, 2010

End of the School Year

The kids FINALLY had their last day of school on June 8th. With all the snow days this year, none of us thought we'd ever see this day! Each of them had a great year, learned a lot, had a great time with their friends and seemed to be happy kids when I sent them out the door each morning. We have been blessed with not just good kids, but good students, too.

Here is Jared and his teacher Mrs. Smith. He really learned a lot this year and improved in every area. He had a GREAT year in 3rd. grade. And yes, she really does have a bathtub in her room and it's one of the kids' favorite places to enjoy a book!

Last day of school with Mrs. B--and the end of the Jensen kids in kindergarten....

My boys with Mrs. B--they were all lucky to have her for their first teacher!

The night before the last day, Trevor had his kindergarten program. He was way on the end so we were able to sit directly in front of him and see it all. They sang some songs and some kids recited their "Rainbow Words" and some kids (including Trevor) showed off their math skills. He's learned so much this year, it's unbelievable!

Mrs. B. had made each of the kids a Memory Book with tons of pictures that she had taken throughout the year during parties and field trips. They also got these really cool T-shirts. There are iron on pictures of all of the kids. The kids all worn them to school on the last day, and Mrs. B even had one of her own. I've already washed it up and it's hanging in the back of the closet--never to be worn again because I don't want anything to happen to it!

So.....Here we come 1st. Grade, 4th. Grade and 7th. Grade! Bring on SUMMER!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the report! It's always fun to hear about what you guys are up to! You'll have to put the Taxi light on top of your car now that they'll all be home with you. (as Camie says!)
