Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trevor's Baseball Season

Remember how I said that Cale loves baseball? Trevor is right up there with him. Trevor's problem is that he is around the big kids so much that he is a little put out by his team mates that just don't "get it." He doesn't like that his league doesn't keep track of balls and strikes, he doesn't like that there are actually no outs and that everyone bats and everyone gets to score. He is just a little too serious about this for a 1st grader.

Teri came to one of his game and got these great pictures. She really captured his game face! Please excuse the number of pictures I have included in this post....I just couldn't decide what to leave out!!

He was checking all of his fans that were sitting behind him. He didn't spend too much time on us...he had a game to play!

He's eyeing home plate.....

And he scores!!!

In the dugout. Keith coached his team this year and you can see him adjusting someone's helmet on the right side of this picture.

He's got a pretty good arm and good accuracy for a 7 year old....if I do say so myself! (I can say that....I'm his mother!!)

Catcher! I'm not sure if he likes it back there, or not. Keith was a catcher, so I think that he liked to have him back there!

Did I mention that this kid LOVES baseball???

His season was really short...only 5 games and one of them got rained out this year. He could spend every waking moment at the ball fields and that wouldn't be enough. We are so fortunate that we are walking distance to the Gilbert fields so the boys do spend a lot of time over there. Even when the other kids have practice Trevor likes to go over and just mess around on one of the fields. He has imaginary games all by himself and it is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Did I mention that this kids REALLY loves baseball??!!

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