Friday, July 29, 2011

Just trying to be a big kid....

Trevor hangs out with his big brothers so much, that some times he forgets that he really isn't a big kid!! He walked with Cale and a couple of his friends back to the bus after a game in Ogden. I think that if the coach told him he could ride the bus with the team, he would've!

Once the A game was over, Trevor sat outside of the dugout for the B game and helped to run the score board. It was all wireless, so he thought he was big stuff sitting there with the remote!

Both Cale and Jared have a great group of friends, and they are all so good to Trevor. They play with him and never complain that he's around. It would be so easy for them to ignore him, but they always include him. My little guy is growing up WAY too fast!! While he thinks he's a big kid, I'm doing my best to keep him little. It's not really working.....

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